We are a team of professionals creating some of the most beautiful awards in the industry

To us, the journey is as important as the end product. We pride ourselves on our ability to guide customers through the creative process and turn out truly original, memorable designs that they can cherish for years to come. The combination of the latest technologies and techniques, creative thinking, and a dedication to our customers is what makes us who we are. It’s our job to glorify your achievements and to ensure that every award is designed with your success in mind.

Where It All Started

  • 1961
    Arrow Advertising, a promotional products company, is founded on Long Island by Robert Strauss.
  • 1989
    Son Ed Strauss joins the company as a salesperson.
  • 1992
    Ed opens a branch in Manhattan, specializing in mementos for the financial industry. DealGifts is born!
  • 1999
    Peggy Strauss, Ed’s wife, joins the company. She brings a decade of experience in marketing and design to the table, and starts the company’s first internal art department.
  • 2001
    The first DealGifts website goes live.
  • 2009
    Arrow Promotional/DealGifts opens its first foreign office, in London.
  • 2010
    Sister company BankerBags™ is formed, specializing in custom canvas duffels and totes.
  • 2013
    Arrow Advertising becomes Arrow Promotional Group.
  • 2013
    Arrow Promotional/Dealgifts moves to permanent headquarters, in the Flatiron District of Manhattan.
  • 2013
    Arrow Promotional/Dealgifts hires its first Industrial Designer, adding 3D rendering capabilities to our repertoire.
  • 2015
    Arrow Promotional/Dealgifts acquires a 3D printer, enhancing our design capabilities even further.

A Word From the Owners


“To us, the process is as important as the end product. We pride ourselves on our ability to guide customers through the creative process and turn out truly original, memorable designs.”

Ed Strauss, CEO, Managing Partner + Peggy Strauss, Art Director, Managing Partner

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